Shin-Jung Oh

As one of the leading flutist in Korea, Shin-Jung Oh pursues her own musical world of flute with unique, bright and colorful tones. Over the years she has been providing outstanding performances through her orchestral and ensemble works.
She began to be recognized as a talented flutist at an early age by receiving Grand Prix awards at Yuk-Young music concours, Korean music association concours and Music monthly concours. In addition, she was also be honored by Dong-A music competition, Pusan music concours and MSM concert competition.
She has appeared as a soloist in various concerts including the New York Barge Music festival, the New York Radio concert, KBS orchestra, Korean symphony, Daejeon Municipal orchestra, Daegu Municipal Orchestra, MSM symphony, New Seoul Philharmonic, Academy orchestra, SNU orchestra, Daejeon Chamber, Police orchestra and Seoul Flute orchestra.
Especially, she received great comments from critics by having joint concerts with many orchestra including KBS orchestra and KBS traditional orchestra for her sophisticated stage manners and unique interpretations of music.
She is also active in overseas including the Carnegie Weil Hall concerts, Merkin Hall concerts and other musical occasions in US and Europe. Through the concerts, she provided an outstanding performance to the audience with harmonized and excellent music in the strength and softness.
Educated in Manhattan School of Music and Yewon, Seoul high school of the Art, Seoul National University, Shin-Jung Oh currently expands her musical careers as the co-principal of KBS orchestra and the leader of Seoul flute ensemble, Korean flutists and Ensemble Prisma. At the same time, she lectures at Yonsei university, Korea school of the Art, Yewon, Seoul high school of the Art and Seonwha school of the Art.
Currently, she is preparing a CD with the famous flutist and esteemed conductor, Mr. Ransom Wilson who was also her teacher. She has also been appointed by Powell Flutes as a Powell artist.