Juliano de Arruda Campos

Juliano de Arruda Campos was born in Tatuí (Brazil), where he initiated his studies at the Conservatory of Tatuí in 1979, graduating in Recorder and Flute. Graduated in the University of Sao Paulo as a Bachelor of Music, under Antonio Carlos Carrasqueira’s tuition. He won the first price in a national contest of FASM – Faculdade Santa Marcelina.
He has a huge participation in many CDs and DVDs, such as: “Brazilian Composers”, “5th MPB Festival”, “1st MPB Meeting”, “Musical Brazil”, “Brazilian Composers – Pró Bandas”, “Obras Brasileiras – Saxophone and Orchestra”, “Toquinho and Symphony Orchestra”, “Brazilian Composers II – Pró Bandas”, “Arranjadores”, “Retratos” Brazilian Winds Orchestra.
He has been teaching in the main festivals in Brazil, such as: Prados Music Festival, Campos do Jordao Music Festival, Ourinhos Music Festival, Itu Festival of Art, Botucatu Winter Festival, Bauru Winter Festival, “Pró – Bandas” masterclasses in the State of Sao Paulo, Curso de Férias de Tatuí, Presidente Prudente Winter Festival, International Meeting of Flutists of Tatuí, where he played a recital with the pianist Paola Girardi (Italy).
He is the first flutist giving masterclasses in the ECA – USP, where he carried out research as a special student for the graduate program – in the subjects: “Harmonic Conceptions of the XX Century” and “The Theory of the Creation of Music”. He is the teacher, first flutist and assistant conductor of the Paulista Symphony Orchestra of the Conservatory of Tatuí; and conductor of the Brazilian Flute Orchestra “João Dias Carrasqueira”.
In 2007 – 2008, he participated as a teacher and conductor in the Raffaele Trevisani International Summer Course in the city of Premeno – Italy, International Summer Course of Itu, International Flutists Course in the city of Asuncion – Paraguay, Ourinhos Music Festival, Itu Festival of Art, Bauru Winter Festival, Festival of the Free Musical Expression of Iguape, International Festival of Flutist of the ABRAF (Brazilian Association of Flutists), International Winter Course of Presidente Prudente and as a coordinator in the 1st International Wood Meeting of Orchestra.